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Top 10 Most Common German Verbs With Examples

Most Common German Verbs

Learning a new language can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor. When it comes to mastering the German language, understanding and using verbs is crucial. Verbs are the action words that give life to sentences and allow us to convey our thoughts, desires, and actions. To help you on your journey to becoming proficient in German, here are the top 10 most common German verbs with examples of how to use them in everyday conversations.

  1. Sein (to be)
  • Ich bin müde. (I am tired.)
  • Du bist mein Freund. (You are my friend.)
  • Er/Sie/Es ist glücklich. (He/She/It is happy.)
  1. Haben (to have)
  • Wir haben viel Arbeit. (We have a lot of work.)
  • Ihr habt keine Zeit. (You don’t have time.)
  • Sie haben zwei Kinder. (They have two children.)
  1. Können (to be able to/can)
  • Ich kann schwimmen. (I can swim.)
  • Du kannst gut kochen. (You can cook well.)
  • Sie kann Deutsch sprechen. (She can speak German.)
  1. Mögen (to like)
  • Ich mag Schokolade. (I like chocolate.)
  • Wir mögen Musik. (We like music.)
  • Er mag Fußball. (He likes soccer.)
  1. Wollen (to want)
  • Ich will ein Eis. (I want an ice cream.)
  • Ihr wollt ins Kino gehen. (You want to go to the cinema.)
  • Sie will mehr Informationen. (She wants more information.)
  1. Gehen (to go)
  • Sie gehen zur Schule. (They go to school.)
  • Ich gehe zum Markt. (I am going to the market.)
  • Du gehst zum Arzt. (You are going to the doctor.)
  1. Machen (to do/make)
  • Was machst du? (What are you doing?)
  • Wir machen eine Party. (We are having a party.)
  • Er macht seine Hausaufgaben. (He is doing his homework.)
  1. Sagen (to say/tell)
  • Sie sagt die Wahrheit. (She is telling the truth.)
  • Ich sage dir Bescheid. (I will let you know.)
  • Du sagst mir immer, was ich tun soll. (You always tell me what to do.)
  1. Kommen (to come)
  • Er kommt aus Deutschland. (He comes from Germany.)
  • Wir kommen später. (We’ll come later.)
  • Sie kommt gleich zurück. (She will be back soon.)
  1. Sehen (to see)
  • Ich sehe das Buch. (I see the book.)
  • Du siehst gut aus. (You look good.)
  • Er sieht den Film. (He is watching the movie.)

These ten verbs serve as the building blocks of many German sentences. As you continue your language journey, you’ll discover that conjugating these verbs and using them in various tenses and moods will enable you to express a wide range of thoughts and emotions in German.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to use these verbs in your daily conversations, write sentences using them, and expand your vocabulary over time. With dedication and consistent effort, you’ll soon find yourself speaking German with confidence and ease.

Posted in German Words

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