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German Abbreviations: A Guide to Common Shortenings Used by Native Speakers

German Abbreviations

The German language, known for its precision and efficiency, also employs a variety of abbreviations to streamline communication and make everyday conversation more succinct. While these abbreviations might seem puzzling to learners, they are widely used by native speakers and can add a touch of authenticity to your language skills. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most common German abbreviations and how they are used in everyday life.

  1. “z.B.” – Zum Beispiel (For Example)

“Z.B.” is a handy abbreviation used to introduce examples in a sentence. For instance, if you were discussing your favorite hobbies, you might say, “Ich habe viele Hobbys, z.B. Lesen und Wandern” (I have many hobbies, e.g., reading and hiking).

  1. “usw.” – Und so weiter (Etcetera)

“Usw.” is the German equivalent of “etc.” and is used to denote that there are more items in a list than those mentioned. For instance, “Ich mag Obst wie Äpfel, Bananen, Trauben usw.” (I like fruits like apples, bananas, grapes, etc.).

  1. “u.” – Und (And)

The abbreviation “u.” serves the same purpose as “und” (and). It’s commonly used in lists or to link items or ideas. “Milch, Eier u. Butter” (Milk, eggs, and butter).

  1. “ca.” – Circa (Approximately)

“Ca.” is used to indicate an approximation. For example, if you want to say you’ll be there in about 15 minutes, you might say, “Ich komme in ca. 15 Minuten” (I’ll be there in about 15 minutes).

  1. “bzw.” – Beziehungsweise (Or Rather)

“Bzw.” is used to clarify or provide an alternative. For example, “Er spricht Deutsch bzw. Englisch” (He speaks German or rather English).

  1. “i.d.R.” – In der Regel (Usually)

“I.d.R.” is used to indicate something that happens as a rule or usually. For example, “i.d.R. trinke ich morgens Kaffee” (I usually have coffee in the morning).

  1. “usf.” – Und so fort (And so on)

Similar to “usw.,” “usf.” is used to denote the continuation of a list. For instance, “Wir haben Kuchen, Kekse, Eis usf.” (We have cake, cookies, ice cream, and so on).

  1. “z.Hd.” – Zu Händen (To the Attention of)

This abbreviation is often used in business or formal correspondence. It means that a letter or package should be directed to a specific person or department. For example, “Ihre Bewerbung, z.Hd. Frau Müller” (Your application, to the attention of Mrs. Müller).

  1. “MfG” – Mit freundlichen Grüßen (Sincerely)

“MfG” is a common closing in letters and emails, equivalent to “Sincerely” in English. It’s a courteous way to sign off in written correspondence.

  1. “i.A.” – Im Auftrag (On Behalf Of)

“I.A.” is used when someone is signing a document or letter on behalf of someone else. For example, “Mit freundlichen Grüßen, i.A. Peter Schmidt” (Sincerely, on behalf of Peter Schmidt).

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These are just a few examples of the many abbreviations used in the German language. While they may seem daunting at first, understanding and using them can significantly improve your ability to communicate like a native speaker. Incorporating these abbreviations into your everyday speech and writing will not only make your language skills more authentic but also help you navigate the nuances of the German language more effectively.

Posted in Learning German

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