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A Study Guide for the Goethe-Zertifikat B2 German Proficiency Test

Students are offered with an excellent opportunity by the Goethe Institute to possibly make their dream a reality and make things possible. If your German competency is of the B2 level, which corresponds to the third level of the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) out of the six levels on the scale of competencies, it might be possible for you to acquire the Goethe Zertifikat B2 certificate. It is a German competency exam demonstrating the capability of students to make independent use of German.

Hence, if your child or student is already equipped with the language competency, this blog might guide them with the preparation of the test for them to obtain the best possible score. Obtaining a degree in German will introduce them to numerous advantages, as you already are aware of. Continue reading this piece of writing; you will find all the relevant information regarding the preparation for the official German exam for the B2 level.

Structure of the Goethe Exam:

In order for you to get your preparation on track, succeed in the test, and get the required certification, it is essential for you to understand that the exam takes place in four parts: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Take a closure look at the specific structure of each test:

  • Read:

This particular test will consist of reading and comprehending a wide range of text materials, including posts in forums, magazines, and periodicals, rules, and regulations. This test is meant to capture the most significant aspects, such as viewpoints, standards, and opinions. The test duration is 65 minutes.

  • To Write:

This particular test will require students to express their viewpoints on a statement made on a social problem. They are also required to compose a formal note in the workplace context. This test lasts for 75 minutes.

  • Hear:

In this test, the students are made to listen to interviews, lectures, opinions, and dialogues from everyday life as well as newspapers. Further, it is ascertained that the student is able to comprehend the essential points and the most crucial details. The test duration is 40 minutes.

  • Talk:

This particular test is all about giving a quick presentation and then conversing with someone on the same topic. In addition, this test also requires students to exchange their opinions in a debate. The test duration is 15 minutes. 

What Does Passing This Exam Mean?

It means that you are able to comprehend the main ideas of complex literature on tangible, abstract issues as well as technical discussions about any of the fields you like. It also reflects that you can interact efficiently and intuitively with native speakers in such a manner that both parties do not have to put in much effort. 

Further, it reflects that you can articulate your thoughts effectively and concisely on a wide range of subjects, as well as voice your opinion on a current problem, highlighting the merits and cons of each alternative. 

How to Prepare for the Exam on Your Own?

Candidates for these Goethe exams basically consist of young boys who study and prepare for the exam on their own. Hence they must accustom themselves to facing such tests. However, some of them might need some help, especially to get their studies organized. We, as a teacher or guide, would give you certain advice that you must bear in mind in order to have a proper check on your study time and structure.

  • In order for them to succeed, they must be well-versed with what they are doing and willing to put in the time and effort required. 
  • It is a good idea that they try the language out with others in real life. Even though not for the entire time but at least when they must have someone to study and interact with, it will keep them interested. 
  • To take this test, students must at least have a German proficiency of B1. It is also advisable to have taken a previous course in the subject or been in touch with locals for an extended time period. B1 refers to the intermediate level; hence one must have extensive German knowledge.
  • The students are advised to start preparing for the test as soon as possible, so they don’t feel rushed and uninspired while taking the examinations. It is also preferable that they spend more time on the preparation but do it in a relaxed manner. The time invested must be of high quality with complete attention.

In addition to the general tips mentioned above, the different specific tests that make up the entire exam must be prepared individually. The following advice is to be followed.

  • Reading Comprehension:

This exam can only be prepared for by reading as many texts as possible. It’s up to them to select what they want to read since it’s about being motivated to read; hence they can select any of the magazines, blogs, and the like. We encourage the youngsters to write as much as they can. Since German is a difficult language to learn, they will have to pay close attention to the spelling. According to the same institute, all Goethe Institut examinations are evaluated according to the 2006 Spelling Rules.

  • Oral comprehension:

It is all about listening; hence we urge that youngsters devote themselves to listening to the things they like the most, such as German music, television shows, movies, and so forth.

  • Oral expression:

It’sIt’s all related to talking; one must try speaking to natives if feasible; practice is the key to success. In order for children to make the most of the language they’ve learned in their texts, television shows, music, and movies, they must put out the effort. Several resources had also been made available for the institute themselves for preparation. If you can, take advantage of the opportunity to also go on an exchange trip.


All in all, we hope that our blog will help you in your preparation and be your stepping stone to clearing the test. Make the most of your time and give your best efforts in the preparation so that your efforts yield the best results. Once you are done with the preparation, move ahead to register for the Goethe exam.

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