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10 Ways to Improve Your German Speaking Skills

Learning a new language after one has started speaking in their native tongue is a bit of a challenge, though not impossible to achieve. One of the primary issues that people face while learning a new language, especially a foreign one, is only focusing on reading and writing. We tend to focus only on understanding the grammar and pronunciation needed for improving our writing and reading skills. While in the midst of all this, we lose track of the primary purpose of learning a new language that is communication. Further, in order to improve our communication, we have to improve our German speaking skills. 

Similarly, non-native speakers of German also struggle with their verbal expressions when speaking German. Here are ten ways by which we can improve our German speaking skills.

Ways Through Which You Can Improve Your German Speaking Skills

  • Join German Classes

The best way to master any new language, say, German, is to enrol yourself in language classes. This will ensure that you get teachers fluent in the language and that the information you are getting will mostly be accurate. This will also help in forming a more substantial base in German. In a classroom setting, you will meet people in a similar situation just like you are in, encouraging you to learn the language. The classes will enhance your reading, writing and German-speaking skills. Your German speaking skills will ultimately improve when you participate in group activities which will be German-based. 

If joining an offline class is not feasible, you can even opt to learn German online by joining an online German courses. There are various online options available where they take live classes and teach you German. 

  • Read Aloud

Reading aloud is an excellent way of learning German. When you first start reading, you may take a little extra time to figure out how the words will be pronounced. But as you read it a few more times, your speed increases automatically with every time, trying to reach the pace at which a normal conversation happens. If you start articulating them with proper tone and regular changes in pitch, you will start getting the hang of how German is to be spoken.

  • Consume German Media

Watching movies, shows, news and other media in the target language is an excellent way to improve your conversational skills. At first, you watch it with subtitles in a language you are comfortable with while concentrating on how the characters are speaking. Subsequently, you can understand German with the subtitles if you have difficulty understanding what they are saying, this way your German vocabulary is also improvised. 

  • Read more in German

Reading is essential to boost your vocabulary. Start with reading German comic books as they tend to have more conversational dialogues and are easier to read. As you become more fluent, you can start with kids’ literature and move on to lengthier novels. Read on the topics you like so that you are motivated to read more and more. 

  • Find a German Speaker

When you speak to someone in German, you will only become more confident in your verbal communication skills. The other person may not be a native German speaker, even if they have learnt the language enough. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, as these will help you improve.

  • Imitate the Dialogues

Repeating the words after hearing someone will enhance your speaking and help you improve your listening skills. This process is called shadowing. You will listen to someone speak German and then try to imitate their way of speaking, which will lead to understanding how certain words are to be pronounced and so on. 

  • Talk to Yourself

Talking aloud to yourself in German is another way. Select different situations and imagine yourself in different scenarios. Start having conversations with yourself. For better learning, record yourself and listen to it to correct mistakes. With time, you will gain enough confidence to go out and talk to people in German. 

  • Write More

Putting words on paper in German will aid you in expressing yourself better. It is not necessary to always be right in a sentence’s grammatical structure when one is still in the learning stage, but one cannot forgo it entirely. With writing, you will also be constantly in touch with grammar and learn any language better.

  • Be Part of an Online Community

Several online communities like forums and groups specifically cater to German speakers. Being part of a group like this will enable you to seek their help if you have any questions, and being an active member will lead to a healthy exchange of ideas which will be a great learning experience. 

  • Language Learning Apps

Apps like Duolingo have tasks where you record yourself speaking a language, and they score you on that. This will show you your mistakes and help you understand where you need to work more. There are also some flashcard apps where you can learn German using flashcards. 

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